The DELPHI detector was one of the four big detectors in the LEP accelerator. DELPHI was constructed and installed in 1989, at the same time as LEP itself. In December 2000 the data taking with DELPHI stopped to leave room for the construction of the LHC accelerator in the LEP tunnel.

The detector consisted of three parts; a cylinder shaped central part and two endcaps. The length and diameter was about 10 meters and the total weight was 3500 tons.

DELPHI's most important components were about 20 subdetectors of the different types discussed in the previous pages. A large superconducting magnet, crucial for the detector, was located between the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters. The magnetic field from this magnet deflects charged particles so that their charge and momenta can be measured.

The section "Collision types" has an interactive animation that shows how particle collisions in DELPHI can look like.