The aim of Hands on CERN is to:
- show particle collisions very soon after they take place
- make it possible to explore the world of particles
- explore the building blocks of nature - the quarks and leptons
- use of World Wide Web
- learn about high-tech experiments - accelerators and detectors
Particle Collisions
The particle collisions to be explored have been detected in the
DELPHI detector - a large experiment, constructed by an international
collaboration of physicists. DELPHI and the large accelerator, LEP
(Large Electron Positron Collider) which provide the high energy
colliding particles are parts of the European Laboratory for Particle
Physics, CERN, situated outside Geneva, on the border between
Switzerland and France.
It will be possible to study the production and decays of particles
using the information of particle interactions. The most interesting
examples are:
- the decay of the Z0 and W particles to quarks and leptons
- the observation of quarks
- the observation of the gluon
- the determination of the strong coupling constant