Threshold Energy Derivation * Colliding Beams * |
The particle antiparticle pair (e+ and e-) collide and annihilate to produce a virtual photon with zero momentum and total energy equal to the sum of the e+ and e- total energies. The 'virtual photon' then materialises into a new e+ and e- pair or any other heavier particle antiparticle pair, such as μ+ and μ-, provided sufficient energy is available. If a μ+ and μ- pair is created they will move off with equal and opposite momenta (remember that momentum is conserved and the total momentum before or after is zero). We assume that the pair move at 90o to the e+ and e- directions (this simplification does not affect our final conclusions) see figure above.
But we have the relativistic relation connecting energy and momentum for each particle:
and rearranging gives:
The expression inside the square root must be positive to give a physically possible momentum. Hence: