Relativistic Energy Derivation

The Lorentz factor is: 




So momentum becomes:





The energy of the particle becomes:



Square the Lorentz factor to give:



Rearrange (4) to give:



Square (6) and substitute it into (5). Rearrange the result to get:   



Rearrange and square (3) to get:   



Square (3) and then substitute (8) into it and simplify to get:  



Finally, substitute (7) into (9) and after some rearrangement the result below is obtained.



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As an aside.... Can you also show that, when beta becomes much less than 1, this reduces to the non-relativistic form: 



To do this start with equation (2) in the form:



Apply a binomial expansion to the term in the bracket and then apply the approximation that c>>v to remove unwanted terms.

NB. Binomial Expansion: This is a standard bit of maths that helps with some Physics problems. If you need help with it then ask a teacher or try a decent further maths textbook. 

For  -1 > x < +1

Where r! is factorial r. ( 3!=3*2*1=6). Because x is fractional terms in higher powers of r gradually become less and less significant and can be ignored.

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