Why do particle physicists use weird units?
Most particle accelerators accelerate particles with an electron's worth of charge. They usually work with electrons and positrons or with protons and anti-protons.

If an electron is accelerated by a potential difference of 1 volt then its energy gain is given by:



In "normal" physics units this is 1.6x10-19 Joules. You could equally say though that the electron has gained 1eV of energy. An electronvolt (eV) is the amount of energy gained by an electron when it moves through a potential difference of 1 volt.

Now which unit is easier to keep using all day long???

Particle accelerators work with singly charged particles and big voltages. An accelerator with a beam energy of 10MeV is simply something that takes particles with one unit of charge and shifts them through a pd of 1MV ( 1 000 000 Volts)

10MeV is much easier to write and work with than 1.6x10-12 J

Particle physicists use large numbers much of the time (oftentimes in their budgets but not in their salaries!)

k= x1000 or 103
M=x1 000 000 or 106
G=x1 000 000 000 or 109 etc!

The Einstein mass energy equivalence equation is so fundamental to particle physics that it helps to have "weird" mass units too.



This rearranges to:



In normal physics units you would convert mass to energy by taking an energy in Joules and dividing by 9x1016 to get a mass in kg.

A particle physicist would take an energy in eV and simply convert to mass in eV/c2

So an electron has a rest mass of 0.51MeV/c2 , and yields 0.51MeV of energy if its mass is annihilated.

In sensible units you would need to do sums to convert between these quantities.

Electron rest mass = 0.51 x 1.6 x 10-13 / 9 x 1016 = 9.07 x 10-31 kg

If you measure momentum in units of eV/c as well then you can eliminate lots of messing about with very small numbers.

Energy: eV, MeV or even GeV. (e.g. an electron accelerated by 10MeV has energy of 10MeV.)

Mass: eV/c2, MeV/c2 or GeV/c2. (e.g. an electron accelerated by 10MeV could be converted to a particles of mass 10.0+0.51 MeV/c2 in a suitable reaction.)

Momentum: eV/c2, M eV/c2 or GeV/c2. (e.g. an electron accelerated by 10MeV has momentum of 10MeV/c.)

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