Things Still To Do
Substantial things that are on my still-to-do list.
- General introduction to quarks, leptons, forces, etc not yet finished.
I plan to keep this fairly brief, since I am assuming that at each Masterclass
the students will receive a lecture introducing them to the basic ideas.
- From the section 'How to Identify Some Slightly More Complicated
Types of Event' onwards
a lot of work still needs to be done e.g.,
- files need to me split up into managable bits as in the earler 'How to ...'
- Implement challenge section 5.
(However, this is not so urgent on the timescale of the Masterclass since few,
if any, students will get that far on the day.)
- Explain "missing momentum".
Presentational things that are on my still-to-do list.
- Make general presentation more colorful and attractive.
- Make all event pictures have the same size on the screen.
I would very much welcome comments and suggestions, particularly on the
philosophy and structure, to: