Lancaster Particle Physics Package

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Calculating K0 Rest Mass

To calculate the rest mass of the K0 is not simple. We have to deduce its mass from the measured properties of the pions. You determine the momentum of each pion by measuring the radius of curvature of their tracks as you did for the particles in the previous exercise. The equation (1) for the K0 rest mass (mK) consists of terms relating solely to the pions. (Derivation)




(units: GeV/c)


θ is the included angle between the direction of motion taken by each pion, as shown below: 




Neutral kaon rest mass (mK) = 0.497 GeV/c2    

Example Kaon Mass Calculation


Calculating K0 Lifetime

The K0 mean lifetime is the average time it exists from creation, when the incident electron and positron annihilate, until decay when the K0 degenerates into a π+, π- pair. Particle decay is a random process that leads to an exponential distribution of observed decay times. Instead of measuring these decay times, which in reality are exceedingly small, we can measure the decay lengths of the K0 - which are recorded by the detector. This is the distance travelled by the K0 from creation, at the origin where the electron-positron annihilation takes place, to the decay point where the pions begin their trajectories - called the 'vertex'.
Therefore, we can determine the K0 mean decay length (L) and then use this to calculate the K0 mean decay time (τ), for a particular beam energy.

You can estimate a value for L by measuring many decay lengths (l), for the same Incident beam energy, and calculating the mean. The decay time (τ) is given by:






where mK is the K0 rest mass which you determined in the first part of the exercise, c is the speed of light and the value of E, you chose yourself. (Derivation of formula and example calculation)   

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