Lancaster Particle Physics Package

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Physicists accelerate particles up to high energies and collide them together in order to create new particles and study their internal structure. 

Since the particle energies are so large the correct relativistic equations have to be used to describe the collisions. There is an equivalence between mass and energy given by Einstein’s relation E=mc2. We can use the laws of conservation of momentum and conservation of total energy to analyse particle collisions. The expression for the total energy of a particle with rest mass m0 and relativistic momentum p is;


Physicists also collide particles and their antiparticles. This was the case at the Large Electron Positron machine (LEP) at CERN; here electrons and their antiparticles, positrons, collided together at high energies.
A positron has the same mass as an electron but has a positive charge instead of the electron's negative charge.
When an electron and positron collide they annihilate each other leaving a 'blob' of energy in the form of a virtual photon. The energy of the photon is equal to the sum of the total energies of the electron and positron. After a very short interval of time the virtual photon materialises into a new particle antiparticle pair.
The types of particles that can be produced depends on the energy of the initial collision.

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