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World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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Niels Bohr Institute


Niels Bohr institute
Address Niels Bohr Institute

Blegdamsvej 17
DK 2100 Copenhagen O
Phone +45 35325293
Fax +45 35325016
e-Mail J. Dines Hansen

Research at the Niels Bohr Institute covers the fields of astronomy, physics, geo- physics and biophysics.
At the Niels Bohr Institute on Blegdamsvej the main topics are theoretical physics, experimental high energy physics and nuclear physics, quantum optics and the physics of non-linear  and complex systems. At  the Ørsted Laboratory the main topics are  nanostructures and cluster physics, semiconductors, theoretical and experimental solid state physics, atomic- and molecular physics and a project of Mars investigations.

The department of experimental high energy physics takes part in the experiments ALEPH and ATLAS at CERN and HERA-B at DESY. The department for High Energy Heavy Ion collisions takes part in the experiments BRAHMS at RHIC on Long Island and ALICE at LHC.

The Niels Bohr Institute offers education in astronomy, physics, geophysics and biophysics.
There are more than 600 students. One can have a 3-year bachelor education followed by a 2-year candidate degree and a 3-year ph.d education.


The Niels Bohr Institute is engaged in a number of public activities and public outreach. We are more than happy to invite students from elementary schols and high schools, as well as small groups or individuals with a curious mind to visit our institute.
In 2002 we established a public outreach office mainly to work with the press and media. The office also arranges a number of cultural activities.

Every year in October, the Niels Bohr Institute participates in the Copenhagen cultural event: The Culture Night ( Kulturnatten ), arranged by Wonderful Copenhagen. Every year in February, the Institute itself opens its doors for the public.


Christian Helzel