World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
header image Participating Institutes
Athens I

National Technical University, School of Applied Sciences,
Physics Department


National Technical University, School of Applied Sciences, Physics Department
Address National Technical University, Physics Department

Zografou Campus
157 73 Zografou, Athens
Phone +30 (210) 772-3047
Fax +30 (210) 772-3025, 772-2906
e-Mail N. Tracas
Research & Teaching

The Physics Department belongs to the School of Applied Sciences of the National Technical University. All other Schools are Engineering ones.

Teaching: Undergraduate physics courses to the students of the School as well as introductory physics courses to the students of all other Engineering Schools. Postgraduate physics courses leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. diplomas.

Research: Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State Physics, Lasers, Dielectrics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, High TC Superconductivity, Nuclear Phyics, High Energy Physics and Elementary Particle Physics.

The experimental group on High Energy Physics is mainly engaged in the ATLAS/LHC experiment at CERN.  It is responsible for the construction of the muon chambers. There is also involvement in the AUGER project. The theoretical group activities span from Branes and String Theories and Finite Gauge Theories to String Phenomenology, GUT and Lattice Gauge Theories.

Outreach Links & Downloads

Christian Helzel