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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics


Research Institue for Particle and Nuclear Physics...
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Address KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics

H-1121 Budapest
Konkoly-Thege út
H-1525 P.O.Box 49
Phone +36(1) 392 22 22 ext. 2527
Fax +36(1) 395 91 51
e-Mail TGabor Jancso
Research & Teaching

Scope of our activities at the Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics :

Fundamental research in high energy particle and nuclear physics, plasma physics, space physics, theoretical research, and biophyisics.

Applied research and development in the field of laser techniques, nuclear analytics, space electronics, and optical and X-ray spectroscopy.

Most of our institute's work is connected with the so called "big sciences" which are realized within the framework of international cooperations, e.g. CERN, EURATOM, ESA, NASA.

Several physicists of our staff take part in the education programs of our universities ( ELTE, BME, Debrecen). At the same time students of those universities work on their Diplom- and PhD thesises in the our institute.

Outreach Links & Downloads

Christian Helzel