World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
header image Participating Institutes

University of Roma Tre


University Roma Tre - external link
Address Roma Tre University - Physics Department

Via della Vasca Navale 84
00146 Roma
Phone +39 (06) 551-77241
Fax +39 (06) 55177059
e-Mail Fernanda Pastore, Antonio Passeri
Research & Teaching

AstrophysicsParticle Physics

Condensed Matter


Theoretical Physics

First Level Degree

Second Level Degree


Outreach Links & Downloads

Christian Helzel