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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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University of Utrecht


Utrecht University -
Address Dep. of Subatomic Physics
University of Utrecht

P.O.Box 80000
NL-3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (30) 2532512
Fax +31 (30) 2518689
e-Mail Thomas Peitzmann
Research & Teaching

The Subatomic Physics (SAP) Program is part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. Research is performed together with NIKHEF, the National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics in Amsterdam. The group in Utrecht takes part in the ALICE experiment at CERN (Geneva) and the STAR experiment at BNL (Long Island, USA).
Other research activities at the faculty include history and philosophy of science, physics of nanomaterials and interfaces, physics of man, astrophysics, marine and atmospheric research and theoretical physics. 

The SAP group has contact with high schools via  HiSPARC (High School Project on Astrophysics Research with Cosmics).

Students can follow Bachelor studies in Physics and a broad range of Master's (Chemistry & Physics,  Meteorology, Physical Oceanography and Climate, Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics, History & Philosophy of Science, Science Education and Communication and Experimental Physics). Subatomic Physics forms an essential part of the Master's of Experimental Physics.

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Christian Helzel