World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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University of Oslo - Department of Physics


University of Oslo - Department of Physics - external link
Address Fysisk institutt
Sem Sælandsvei 24

Postboks 1048 Blindern
0371 Oslo
Phone +47 (22) 856434
Fax +47 (22) 856422
e-Mail Katarina Pajchel
Research & Teaching

The research at the Department of physics in Oslo covers many fields in applied, experimental and theoretical physics.

The Experimental particle physics group is involved in the international projects ATLAS and HERA-B. We are both developing the detectors and analyzing data. The experiments require enormous computer resources and the group plays an active role in NorduGrid, a Nordic grid project. The high energy physics includes also theoretical and nuclear- and energy physics.

The University of Oslo offers many Bachelor's and Master's Degree programs in physic. The courses are both theoretical and practical and they are related to the different research groups.

Outreach Links

Christian Helzel