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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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Charles University in Prague - Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics


Charles University in Prague - Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics - external link
Address Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University in Prague
V Holesovickach 2
18000 Prague 8
Czech Republic
Phone +420 (221) 9124-69
Fax +420 (221) 9124-34
e-Mail Jiri Dolejsi
Research & Teaching

Charles University in Prague, the first University in central Europe (founded 1348), has among her many Faculties the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Research and teaching at this Faculty focuses on various fields in physics, mathematics and computer science. It also educates teachers of physics and mathematics.

The subject of particle physics is pursued by the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics. The Institute's research groups concentrate on detector and software development and physics analysis within large international collaborations connected with experiments at CERN, DESY and Fermilab, and also the Pierre Auger Observatory. There is also an active group of theorists working here.

Study at the Faculty offers opportunities for specialization in many branches, including nuclear and particle physics, in bachelor, master and postgraduate programmes.

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Christian Helzel