The Department of Physics
at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)
pursues research activities in high energy physics (both experimental and theoretical),
in nuclear physics, in collective phenomena in condensed
matter, in atomic physics and optics, and in climatology.
Through experimental collaborations with CERN and DESY, foremost within
the CMS
experiment at the LHC, as well as collaborations in theoretical
physics with a variety of international research institutions, the
high energy physics activities are mostly focused on the basic
structures of matter and the fundamental interactions, on astroparticle
physics, on cosmology, and on the fundamental quantum unification of
all interactions and matter. Important instrumental and technical
developments are thus realised within the Department of Physics,
also towards other fields of applied physics, technology and
medical physics.
physics curriculum at the UCL is organised within the european
framework of bachelor (3 years) and master's (2 years) degrees
within these different fields. Ph.D. research projects are
pursued within either the Quantum Physics Graduate School,
or the Geosciences Graduate School.