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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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University of Lund


University of Lund -
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Address Lund University

Department of Physics
Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1, Lund
Postal address: P.O.Box 118, SE-22100 Lund
Phone +46-46-222 76 95
Fax +46-46-222 40 15
e-Mail Paula Eerola
Research & Teaching

The Division of Experimental High Energy Physics at the Department of Physics at the Lund University does research and teaching in two main fields in subatomic physics: Elementary Particle Physics and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics.

The division is involved in the H1 electron-proton experiment at DESY and the future ATLAS proton-proton experiment at CERN. Research with relativistic heavy ions is performed with the PHENIX experiment at Brookhaven and the future ALICE experiment at CERN.

Our division offers thus a complete research particle physics research programme, complemented by our involvement in NorduGrid research project. We give courses and labs in particle physics, see our education pages.

Outreach Links & Downloads

Christian Helzel