World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link World Year of Physics 2005 - external link
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Hands on Particle Physics
European Masterclasses for High School Students
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University of Silesia - Institute of Physics


University of Silesia - Institute of Physics - external link
Address Inst.of Physics
Univ. of Silesia

ul. Uniwersytecka 4
40-007 Katowice
Phone +48 (32) 258-3653
Fax +48 (32) 258-88431
e-Mail Henryk Czyz
Research & Teaching

The A. Chelkowski Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia in Katowice is divided into seven experimental and four theoretical research groups. Most of the experimental activities are concentrated on the condensed matter physics. The main experimental research topics cover: properties and technology of mono- and polycrystalline intermetallic compounds and perovskites, properties and technology of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric materials, properties and technology of magnetic materials, investigation of crystal structures and their defects and molecular dynamics and phase transitions. The theoretical research activities include: theory of condensed matter, statistical physics, theory of elementary particles and theoretical astrophysics and cosmology. August Chelkowski Institute of Physics runs M.Sc. and B.Sc. studies in physics, medical physics, geophysics, econophysics, physics with chemistry, physics with informatics, informatics physics. It runs also doctor degree studies and postgraduate studies in physics.

    Teaching staff of the Institute is engaged in popularization of physics for general audience and high school pupils (see Polish version of the web page).
Links & Downloads

Christian Helzel